The Penguin Guide to Vaastu: The Classical Indian Science of Architecture and Design

Almost fifteen hundred years before modern architecture came into its own, vAstu shAstra, the classical Indian treatise on architecture, had set down principles of good planning and design which have been in practice in this country ever since.

Today, people expect a vAstu application to provide them instant cures and unending prosperity by relocating an entrance, window or room. However, Ananth, in this meticulously researched book, seeks to place vAstu in its proper perspective as a highly evolved science, ridding it of the myths surrounding it. she examines the schools of thought existing in the tradition, the system’s application and the responsibilities of the designer.

Supplemented with beautiful illustrations, this book is an authoritative text which combines traditional wisdom with the needs of a modern and transitional society.

This book can be purchased online on and



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The Penguin Guide to Vaastu: The Classical Indian Science of Architecture and Design